How To Curl Human Hair Wigs: An Ultimate Guide

Curling human hair wigs has several advantages for your tresses. Read this article attentively to learn how to curl a human hair wig with a curling iron. Yoghair will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to how to curl a human hair wigs, including its benefits and methods.

How to Curl Human Hair Wig With a Curling Iron

Have your tools ready

Curl human hair wigs with a curling iron tools include a curling iron, wide-tooth comb, holding spray, and heat protector.

Guide for curling wigs with a curling iron

  1. Prepare the wigs: Brush the wigs thoroughly to remove any tangles. Then, spray the wigs with a heat-protectant spray.
  2. Section the hair: Divide the wigs into sections of about 1-2 inches thick. You may want to use clips to keep the sections separate.
  3. Curl the hair: Starting at the bottom of the wig, take a section of hair and wrap it around the curling iron barrel. Hold the hair in place for a few seconds, then release it. Repeat this process with each section of hair.
  4. Set the curls: Once all of the hair has been curled, spray the wigs with a light mist of hairspray. This will help to hold the curls in place.
  5. Style the wigs: Once the hairspray has dried, you can style the wigs to your liking. You can brush out the curls for a more relaxed look, or you can leave them tight for a more glamorous look.
Curl human hair wig with curling iron
Curling human hair wigs easy with curling iron

Pros and cons of using a curling iron to curl wigs

The benefits and drawbacks of curling your human hair wigs using a curling iron will be discussed in this section. You’ll soon be able to determine if this is the method you’ve been searching for.


  • You have total control over the size and form of your curls when using a curling iron.
  • If you’re pressed for time, this approach works well since it yields quick results.
  • Compared to curls generated without heat, those made with a curling iron often have a longer lifespan.


  • By causing damage to the hair fibers, hot equipment might shorten the life of your wig.
  • You need to have some talent to use this procedure to get the desired look.
  • Burns are possible with curling irons.

How to Curl a Wig With a Curling Iron/Roller

Get your tool

Curling a wig with a curling iron/roller tools includes rods for curling spray bottle, rattail comb and hair oil, setting cream or curling iron, and hairdryer.

Guide for Curling Wigs Using Curling Rods or Rollers

  1. Start with a clean, wet wigs for optimal results. Once the wig has dried, give its hair a quick mist using a water-filled spray bottle.
  2. Assemble your curling irons. Your curls will be bigger and more bouncy the larger the rod.
  3. Take a little piece of hair and separate and untangle it.
  4. A tiny bit of curling or setting product should be applied to the hair.
  5. Encircle the wet hair around the entire length of the curling iron. Continue rolling your hair until the wig’s base is pressed up against the rod.
  6. To keep the rod in place, bend its ends.
  7. Proceed with the remaining wig in the same manner.
  8. Hold off until the wig dries fully, usually overnight. The length of time it takes for hair to dry increases with thickness or length. If you take out the rods too soon, your curls will appear unkempt and unkempt. Turn on a cold blow dryer to expedite the drying process.
  9. After the wig dries, remove the clasp with a rod. In the opposite direction from how you rolled it, untangle the hair.
  10. Continue from step 9 until every rod has been taken out.
  11. Apply a tiny bit of oil to your fingertips and create a finger curl pattern with your new hair. Your hair will shine more and the oil will help reduce frizz.
  12. Use a small amount of hairspray to prolong the life of your curls.
Curling human hair wig with roller
Curling human hair wig with roller

Pros and cons of using curling rods to curl wigs

The following are some benefits and drawbacks of using curling rods on human hair wigs. You can decide if this strategy is right for you by using the information provided in this section.


  • Curling rods are user-friendly and suitable for novices.
  • If you want your wig to be ready to wear when you wake up, you may let it set overnight.
  • This technique helps you prevent the harm that comes with utilizing hot tools while being kind to your wig.


  • Because you have to wait for the hair to dry, this process takes longer.
  • The direction and form of your curls are less under your control.
  • Curling rod selection and purchase are required.


Curling Human Hair Wigs: Heatless Curlers

You have undoubtedly heard of donut bun wraps and heatless curlers if you spend any time on the beauty section of the internet. These looks create lovely, bouncy waves without generating any heat at all and are intended to be worn while you sleep. Both work well with longer wigs that are simple to shape into ponytails or braids.

When using a heatless curler, put the rod flat on your head or fasten it to the top of your head with a claw clip. Subsequently, divide each side of your hair according to the directions and wrap it around the rod in the manner of a French braid or French twist.

Pull your wig into a high ponytail, then thread it through the donut so that it rests exactly where your elastic is to get a donut wrap. When you remove the donut, you won’t be able to hide the kink in your hair if your elastic is tied too tightly.

Next, begin wrapping your hair around the donut in a circular motion until it is completely covered. Wrap your hair more firmly if you want tighter curls.

Curl human hair wig with heatless curlers
Curl human hair wig with heatless curlers

How To Curl A Wig Without Heat

Brush out your wig lightly to remove any knots or tangles before curling it without heat. While some women prefer to style their wigs while wearing them, others prefer to style their wigs on wig stands so they can view them from all sides and make sure they are equally groomed. You should do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

How to curl human hair wig without heat
Curling human hair wig without heat
  1. Flexible rollers: Flexible rollers are available in a range of sizes and are excellent for creating tight or loose curls. They’re a popular, dependable, and incredibly inexpensive choice! The curls will be tighter and require more application if the bendy roller is smaller in size. If you want a voluminous effect, larger bendy rollers work nicely, especially if your hair is fine.
    • To apply the rollers, take a tiny piece of hair that is one inch broad and one centimeter thick, and softly moisten it with water on your wig. The curl will be more pronounced in the smaller hair segment.
    • Subsequently, take one flexible roller and wrap the hair around its center. Roll the flexible roller down in the direction of the wig cap’s scalp. To keep the curls from falling out, fold the ends of the bendy roller towards one another to keep it in place.
    • After finishing the entire wig in this manner, give it a few hours so the curls can set and dry.
    • After a few hours, carefully unwrap the hair and unroll the flexible rollers, working your way up the wig from the bottom.
    • You will have stunning heatless curls now! You may use hairspray to hold the curls in place for a longer period.
  2. Tie your hair up: Plaiting your hair is one of the simplest, fastest, and most affordable methods to curl a wig without using heat.
    • Dampen your wig a little bit at first, just like with the bendy rollers.
    • Depending on the kind of curl you choose, divide the wig into sections. Take larger parts of hair if you want looser curls, and smaller sections if you want tighter curls.
    • Your choice of plait style will determine the kind of curls you receive, whether you choose a traditional, fishtail, Dutch, or French twist.
    • Don’t forget to let the wig dry and the curls set for a few hours.
    • Once the wig is thoroughly dry, take off the elastic band and carefully unravel each plait.
  3. Headband envelop: All you need for the headband wrap is a headband that fits snugly around your head. Make sure the wig doesn’t get any unwanted kinks from the headband by making sure it is soft enough.
    • Start by splitting the wig how you like, then softly mist it with water.
    • After that, cover the top of your wig with the headband. The top of the headband should be placed where your forehead and hairline meet, and the bottom should be placed at the nape of your neck.
    • Start by taking a little, one-inch-wide length of hair from the front of the wig, and begin wrapping it over and under the headband. Add a new piece of hair each time you wrap the headband around your hair.
    • Once all of the hair is wrapped around the headband, keep going around the head in this manner.
    • After allowing the hair to dry for about three hours, carefully detach the headband from the wig and extract the hair out of it.
Curly human hair wig product
Curly human hair wig in Yoghair
Curly human hair wig vendor
Curly human hair wig at Yoghair vendor

In conclusion, Yoghair provides you with a lot of useful knowledge that is a necessary reference for looking for detailed information about curling human hair wigs. Do not forget to visit our website to discover more great information related to artificial hair for later.

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